Done. Totally and completely done. Final-ly DONE.
Last night, I put the adolescent chickens out in the chicken coop. To some degree it was because SPRING has finally show up here in the mountains. Spring had spent a little too much time humping Old Man Winter, but apparently, the old guy's getting tired, so Spring ditched him to turn on the heat, plant the flowers, and make it green. It was around 80 here yesterday -- absolutely wonderful. Last night, we had the window open and I was still hot. I think compared to winter, it is hot, not that it actually was hot.
Anyway, the chickens.
They were so funny. At first, of course, they all had a spazz peepfest out in the coop. *peep*Oh, my gosh *peep* you moved *peep* us. Then they started to really enjoy their new digs. They started scratching the dirt and pecking rather fervently at whatever attracts chickens, but one of them even got into the chicken scratch bowl and was scratching in there, happy as a...well, chicken. They would find pieces of hay and start to run from the other chickens thinking they had the best prize. Then they started flying around a little. Kind of spreading their wings and dashing at the air. (Stand not there, fair Rooster, for I shall joust at thee.) And then a couple just started to fluff out their feathers and hunker down. Very very sweet.
I was really worried the coyotes would come down whoop it up and scare them half to death, but not yet. I'm going to have to finish barricading them in there and I need to find a damned saw to saw the wood with to make a door and door frame. I know we have a saw, but it's really old, so I'm not sure of the quality thereof, but Mike can't find it, regardless. I personally think he's lobbying for power tools. Wait! This is MIKE! My bad.
And Mike and I both just kind of started realizing last night that if we don't put our room together soon, we're both going to start ripping all our hair out. The moral of the story is: don't screw with earth signs' home space.
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