This morning is a winter miracle. We went out to dinner at a very ritzy Tex-Mex place with snow starting to fall. I looked at my husband from our plastic and metal chairs and said,"Why do we always end up at Taco Bell in the middle of a blizzard?" He said,"I don't know. I was wondering that, too."
This morning, it is beautiful though. There's fog gathering thickly over the lake and the mountains look as if they have been dusted in confectionary sugar. Each tiny branch of sagebrush is covered in a thick coat of white down feathery flakes.
Most importantly, I can breathe. There's not an allergen out there right now because it's been coated in the sweet smother of snow.
Genny was like a puppy chasing her tail, yipping excitedly about the " 'NO! Mama, 'NO! My wear boots?" "Yes, honey, you need to wear boots and mittens. Don't forget your socks." "No socks! Boots!" "You need socks or your feet will get cold." Grudgingly,"Oh. Kay. Mama." Russell asked me 20 times if school was delayed and then accusingly bitched because I was not up at 7AM to verify the possible delay on TV, despite the fact that I can call them.
Last night, for a class, m y assignment was to watch a movie I was very motivated to see and one I am not. For the not, I had to watch about the stupidest movie made recently, "Super Troopers." I'm not sure of the storyline. It was a lot like watching porn. Whereas in porn, the goal is to see people get naked and fuck, in this frat party-style flick, the goal is to see people get laid, get stoned, get drunk or some assortment of those three items. I had to watch a movie for a class that I would never otherwise select. I had Mike pick it out because I couldn't make up my mind from all the stupid movies I could find. I think it was supposed to be a takeoff on the Police Academy genre, but I haven't been able to sit through a Police Academy flick either, so I can't be sure how close.
I am watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" today, which is the one I want to see and I am supposed to write about my motivations for each and then extrapolate that to the motivational interests of learning disabled kids. I've already written up some stuff, so I'll watch the movie and eat breakfast as soon as Russell leaves and then finish my write up. Then I think I want to go march around in the snow in my mountain chick hiking boots.
In other news, I damaged my shoulder sleeping on it badly a few days ago and it was pretty bad. So last night, Mike gave me a deep hard massage on that shoulder and I fiddled with my insulin a bunch to tighten my sugars a bunch and now, my shoulder has actually healed up. I love my husband. I love my insulinR. I wish my lungs would heal up, so I could get off the fucking prednisone. I feel like my health's biatch. Bend over and bark, baby. I had to make a professor take the elevator with me yesterday because I am so bad I can't walk up a single flight of stairs. It's not like I can do that without being out of breath normally, but I like the breathlessness. I like the exercise. Iditawalk is obviously on the backburner until I can breathe again, but it sucks, because it means that I will be making it up forever. I don't think I can start at hour long walks to make up time, which is about what I'd have to do. I'm thinking that I'll just do the best I can and maybe extend my schedule to be more like 40 days from when I go off prednisone and insulin.
This is the bugaboo I always run into with my exercise. I get sick and then it takes forever to get well and by that time, I'm out of the habit of exercising. It pisses me off. A. Lot. It's very difficult to be in great shape or at least getting there, and then suddenly go out of commission for a couple weeks and then try to get back on the horse. For now, I've been tossed off the bronco, so I'm working on mending my bones and then in a few weeks, I'll dust myself off and get back on. Ride 'em!
Maybe I need a cowboy to rope.
Ooooooh, MIiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeeeeeey.
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