Sunday, March 30, 2003

After dropping everything off at the mortgage office, the loan officer called me later that afternoon to tell me that this woman came into her office saying that she had an enormous amount of money to get rid of in a special farmer's loan program. My loan officer asked about what locations were included and the woman mentioned portions of our area were part of this. The next day, after checking our address on the USDA map, the property is sufficiently rural to qualify. However, this loan is a lot like an FHA loan, which means there may be some hoop jumping. We're waiting on the appraiser's report to determine how MUCH hoop jumping, but it could be several thousand dollars worth. *sigh*

I'm overwhelmed, sleep-deprived, and laden with homework and house-buying issues. With all the money in the bank, I'm seriously contemplating a trip to Tahiti. I need it.

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