Mike drove us to his parents' house, so we could get the kids and head back to the hotel, where I would be permitted to doze off in a vicodan-wrapped slumber with my swollen ankle elevated upon numerous pillows.
We got there and the house had everyone -- all of Mike's brothers, one brother's girlfriend, my MIL's friend, plus us and the kids. Whereupon, I was laid into because I didn't watch Genny sufficiently and she overflowed the toilet. I was told that because it was Mike's mom's wedding that I was supposed to be the only parent watching children and that it was entirely my fault. I said,"Mike and I are a team and we watch the children together, and we lost track of her. I am not the only adult responsible for the children." I said,"We really need to leave." Whereupon, I was told that I am " an uninvolved parent." I said,"I have never ever felt welcome in your home and this is simply the last time I'll be here. I am sick of having my parenting critiqued, being insulted regularly, and feeling like I'm walking on eggshells around this family. I'm sick of not being treated with respect. You have gone out of your way to make sure I am not made to feel welcome, and I simply won't put up with this crap any more. You are more than welcome in our home, but obviously, I am not welcome here and I won't be back." As I said this, it dawned on me how much of an audience this idiot had done this in front of and I was horrified that I had simply not left before I uttered what I did. I also Mike's oldest brother pipe up that respect is returned or something like that, to which I responded," I don't respect them, huh? I guess spending all of this money to make sure we could come, pay for our own room and car, so as to not impose on anyone and pay for your ticket because I knew how damned much it meant to your mom is disrespectful? WhatEver! I'd rather eat glass than come here, but I knew what it meant to your mom and Mike asked me to, so we did." I kept trying for the door, but crutches are just so damned difficult to make a quick exit with.
Somewhere in there, one of Mike's brothers said that the way that this dufus was doing this was not okay and that he would not be a party to it and he left the room. I apologized and attempted to leave and was told something like we were always welcome, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, that's what yo mouf sez! I said,"Well, I don't *feel* welcome, and we're leaving."
Mind you, all this is going on in FRONT OF MY CHILDREN. And I kept trying to leave.
Finally, I limped to the front door on my crutches, pointed children out the door and got into the car. Whereupon, I had Mike's oldest brother physically place himself in the doorway of the car, so that I couldn't shut the fucking door. He told me I should learn to take constructive criticism. Constructive criticisim, typically is constructive, not destructive and is done in a loving manner, but I was tired and I just kept asking him to let me leave. I had to repeatedly ask him to get out of the door, so that we could leave because I simply wanted to go home and go to bed. Mike's youngest brother came out and tried to get him to leave off and Mike finally looked at him and said,"For Christ's sake, Chris, let me take her home!"
And a "oh duh" look came over his face and he stepped away and we went home.
We haven't spoken with Mike's mom and stepdad yet. And Mike has assured me that we won't visit them until they apologize. Two of Mike's brothers said that they were really sad. I simply think to myself, "GOOD!" They should be sad. After all the years of grief and sadness they've put me through, they deserve some sadness.
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