Wednesday, January 22, 2003

I went to my first graduate class on Tuesday. I feel like such a grownup now. Part of the class is that we have to introduce ourselves and I was the only one in there that wasn't currently working in a teaching capacity. It was kind of a bummer, but when I explained my history and who I am more, they were all impressed, even if I still felt lowlier than them.

The first special education teacher in the state is in my class. Gack! I feel so old to be starting this.

But the class rocks, overall. We're doing self-study to see how we learn in order to develop strategies to help other learners. Neat, huh? I guess you had to be there. I think it's neat, but I also love Applejacks, so there's no accounting for taste.

I also have been noticing lately that my foot hurts. I kept thinking it was my shoes and then realized that no, it's the one I sprained. I am temporarily giving up my slide in clog shoes for the less attractive sneaker thang. The fashion police are going to ticket me or reward me for a fashion trend, however, dumpy 30-something women in tennis shoes seems unlikely as a future fashion trend, somehow.

Oh, and you'll notice that blogger finally removed the ads I paid to have removed 2 months ago. Bastards.

Oh, and I discovered how to make the most of my fireplace -- remove the front glass door thingies off. Makes the room toasty. My husband was rather surprised to learn that one can remove that thing and buy a fireplace screen for $30.

And money troubles have reared their ugly heads. I couldn't understand how we could possibly be under at the bank and then reviewed the deposits and Mike's check was short about $170. I asked him about it and surprise, surprise, he didn't put one day of work down there, so now, were Check N Go's biatches. But we don't have to pay until after we get contract money checks in. It just sucks because we are so damned tight after the holidays and wedding expenditures and now, we're even tighter.


In other bad news, Ladawn's husband left her last week. Claimed it was for stupid stuff -- but everything I've seen shows that he's got some kind of online whapadang going on, i.e., keyboarding net sexually and all. He's also screwed with the money badly, and I just am worried to pieces about her. I'm going to start bringing food to her with each paycheck, so she can use it for the daycare. She's not sure how she's going to get through, financially, so our rates may go up, which would suck big time, but would totally be understandable.

For us, it would be cool if I could get some substitute teaching work. I've got to spend $100 on the licensing though and that's going to be rough.

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