Tuesday, October 08, 2002

I know, long time no post.

I've been kind of busy. This whole unemployed thing takes so much time out of your schedule. You know, harrassing former employers to provide appropriate severance agreements, tracking down leads, interviewing for jobs I don't get, that kind of thing. And this week, I'm doing the mommy thing.

Genny has learned a new word this week.

For example, "Genny, please come here. You're not supposed to be in brother's room, taking all his toys and destroying his magic cards, you Satan worshipping crack addict, you!" "NO!" Of course, as I read that over I am thinking, okay, is she saying no to the Satan worship, the crack addiction (just say 'no!'), or to coming out of Russell's room?

Being that I have not found a pentagram, nor her stash of drugs, I'm thinking that leaves only one option.

I have managed to run the account about $700 into the hole. What's worse is that despite my joblessness, we can actually recover from that. Wow. I'm feeling pretty grown up all the sudden. I think I am going to start taking out my cash that I am allowed to spend in a given period and leaving the rest in the bank. I need to leave in about $50 for Mike for gas and snacks, but I can keep the rest as grocery money. When it's gone, it's gone, is all.

Fortunately, I do qualify for unemployment and with any luck at all, I'll be able to find something that will make me happy in the interim. I'm not betting big bucks on that, but we'll see. Mostly, I am looking to see if I can take the things I like and make money at doing them. I'll start researching the small business grant soon. Mostly, I need to find smaller canning jars. *sigh*

Off to research things on the net.

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