I finally found the business cards of the people who interviewed me for this state job as a help desk tech and a web tech. The interviews were absolutely fun. I have never had an interview where everyone was busting up and laughing and having fun and yet, still remaining completely professional. I called the manager person and left a voicemail to let him know I was unemployed and he called me back soon after to tell me that I should talk to this other person. I called her and she said on the 21 and 22 they are calling folks that they interviewed way back when to offer them jobs doing the web tech stuff and I was at the top of the list. She also said she didn't think they had to reinterview, but that they'd let me know. This position would extend from November possibly into July. After which, I could file for unemployment until it wound around back in November again. I'd have the option of staying home with the kids during that time, pursuing more education through this professional networking group because they'll fund it. All the way around, it's a no lose deal for me. I not only get back to the webmastering stuff, so I can learn new stuff and keep up-to-date, but I get a job with bennies (it's with the State).
Oh, and my gosh, the COYOTES around here. Last night, Mike tried two or three times to get Kittygirl in and she didn't come. I went out and called for her and usually, that produces little Miss Fuzzybutt, but she didn't show. So we're laying in bed and we hear that eerie coyote "Ar-ar-oooooooo" and I said,"I'll go get Kittygirl." I called her and she came prancing up and was very happy to see me and get crated up. She knows coyotes EAT kitties. Mike and I are pretty sure she probably saw Cowboy get killed. Whereever he was, she was not far behind. I'm just glad the coyotes didn't know that because she's a sweet old cat.
CC the bunnyboy is just as cute as a button. I think that Kittygirl might have taken a paw swipe to him because he's got a scab on his butt. She was doing that paw in the cage thing, so we gave him a place to hide, but last I saw, Russell was holding CC on his lap and Kittygirl jumped up and tried to get in on that loving thing and CC kicked her off Russ's lap. Russell was laughing his butt off. I love holding that bunny and he tolerates being pet to death pretty darned well, so it's a win-win thing for sure.
I've got to finish some quilting work today, so I'm off to do that. I still have to finish my canning which will be tomorrow's job. I actually will probably get the relish fermenting tonight and can tomorrow. Last time it was pretty watery, which wasn't bad, but it seemed a lot less relishy and a lot more saucy. I also have salsa to can. I've got to pick up cilantro and some supplementary roma tomatoes. My garden tomatoes were all big round juicy ones and not the pear-shaped meaty ones. And I still haven't figured out jars yet, so that and quilting are today's projects.
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