I had this enormous cup of coffee and no food, so went flying around the house for several hours high on my version of crack. While normally caffeine doesn't smack me so hard, I think that whole empty stomach thing
really contributed to my spazz fit.
During that time, I texted a lot of people. I messaged Mike about 20 times on YIM. I then took a shower and inflicited myself on my daughter. I buzzed all over town running errands and jabbering a million miles an hour and then, I drove her nuts at Walmart. As Mike joined us for our shopping trip, I was starting to come down off this bizarre caffeine fit and Genny thanked Mike for "saving" her.
Then I looked at her and I said, "Now, you know how we feel every day when we deal with you without meds."
She asked incredulously,"Really?"
"I am so sorry."
Words you think you'll never hear from the mouth of an eleven year old.
I still have some coffee in the carafe. I'm thinking the bathroom needs to be cleaned because that damned laundry pile is annoying the shit out of me.
Who the hell needs crystal meth or crack? Load me up on coffee, hold the food. Now, if I could manage to get the physique of a meth head with caffeine I could melt that ass down and make some glue.
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