Russell continues to be pretty wrecked. He has good days and bad days, but even his best day doesn't seem to mean he can leave the house. Sometimes, I pile him into the car anyway and work around him. His next shot is Friday. I'm taking him to the pool that night. He doesn't know it yet, but I am!
If I have to go to wallymart, I have him sit on the bench in the front with his phone. If I go to a store with a profusion of wheely carts, I take him with me. He was sure I was enjoying the fact that I made him take a wheely cart at Home Depot, but I was kind of puzzled. I just needed him to go with me because leaving him in the car when it's 100 degrees isn't an option and it makes him get the hell out of the house. I think being a teenager means that you exist in a constant state of torture by your parents though.
Genny has grown 2 inches this summer. I'm sewing ruffles on the bottoms of dresses to get more wear out of them. I really have no choice. She's growing out of everything and she's so skinny, none of her pants fit without a serious case of high waters or plumber butt.
I'm not sleeping tonight, apparently. I woke up with a bunch of worries circulating. I'm going to try again.
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{{{ HUGS }}} and love,
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