I keep expecting my knees to be worse, but they're not.
I seem to have enough balance between walking and sitting with my job and my knees are about the least agonizing they've been in a while. I'm not even taking the glucosamine, which normally, I can't hardly stand to be without.
I did buy some good shoes to alternate with my eccos, but I'm not hardly wearing the eccos because I want to dress up. It makes me feel better and more formal and professional, which comes across in my voice at work. No, I will not start wearing makeup, but I am finding the clothes make a difference. Come summer with the heat of the season, I may change my mind about how formal I want to be, but for right now, it's putting me in a good mindset.
I'm making fewer mistakes overall, which is nice, too.
They keep threatening we're going to get lots and lots of snow, but so far it's been pretty disappointing. On the plus side, the mountains are getting a lot and that's where the bulk of our water table comes from. We're heading into week two of snow/rain showers throughout the week.
I'm very disgusted we're not getting more here. I like the snow and it happens so infrequently. I know I should be careful what I wish for, but I really do like it. And I know it poses all kinds of hazards and all, but it's so unbelievably beautiful and I still treasure a morning of pristine snow-covered landscape. Like the autumn in the New England, I miss winter, too. Winters here often threaten to be like New England winters, but usually fall far short, but I wait for those surprising storms that fulfill the dream of my memory.
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