Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm flu-y and achy.

I wish my bed were more sufficient some days. I basically crawled into bed at 630 last night, got woken up to eat and went back about 730 and haven't really left the room other than to eat. Everything hurts -- in a most excrutiating manner.

It makes me mad because I had big plans for the kitchen. Was going to clean it like mad today.

I start my doctor appointments next week for the bariatric surgery preparation.

I got one blanket for Christmas finished yesterday and clipped all the threads and cleaned everything up. It's for a teen boy, so it's skulls...kind of cool and fun.
I've got a pirate one for me and for Genny. I've also got some fabric for Genny's nightgowns -- colorful cherries and pink camo pirate flannels. I've got big yellow roses for me and some plain dark flannels for night shirts for the men.

I am definitely slipping into winter mode -- sewing. I guess that's better than baking, in my case, though I have gone on a few muffin sprees because the ingredients are cheap and the kids eat them all darned week. I have one or two and then promptly make a concerted effort to "forget" them.

Ok, I'm taking my quilt and heading back to bed.

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