The boy is pretty sick -- some bug that thinks his chest might be good to move to. I made him homemade soup in the crock pot. I had been planning potato leek soup, but I cut a leek into the chicken and called it good. In an hour or so, I'll toss a cup of rice in it. For now, chicken, leeks, potatoes, carrots, and celery grace my soup.
I'll get to potato leek soup in a few days.
I'm fighting the infection, too. I can't find my byetta which just pisses me off. It's the one thing that will keep my sugars in check, while I'm sick. I know it's in the fridge, but
On the plus side, I will want to sit up with the chest stuff, so I can get pretty far with Genny's dress projects on my machine. :) I'm mid-blanky for a friend's grandkid. Her daughter's family had the most awful November I can imagine.
They'd been living with my friend and husband and finally got their own place and they'd moved in in one day and were in boxes. They had had a baby in July, and brought her to sleep with them. They set up a port-a-crib near a window with the 1.5 year old girl and the 2.5 year old boy -- best buds and sibs. At 6am, they were awakened by the boy screaming his head off and found the girl hanging slumped forward in the crib with the venetian blind cord wrapped around her neck with hardly a heart beat.
Because they didn't have a phone yet, they ran outside trying to hysterically ask the construction guys for help. Husband was sputtering, while wife administered CPR. Wife stopped CPR to scream, "Dial 911!"
After being careflighted to the hospital, the little one passed. Dad had lost his job the day they moved to compound matters. Because my friend is beloved in the community and this was such a horrible tragedy, a fund was started to help this family, so they've been able to pay rent and bury their child.
Remember the little boy? I asked my friend about him. It's not that I don't care, but rather that I already know the parents are in hell. He's taken to some weird comfort behaviors in the absence of his sis, like chewing through the arms of his clothes and gnawing on himself. He likes Buzz Lightyear, so I found a very inexpensive Buzz doll and made him a Toy Story blanket. I'm giving it to my friend tomorrow. I'm hoping that it gives him comfort that gnawing probably isn't.
I am also making a pooh blanket for the baby.
And yeah, I keep smooching on my kids.
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