Thursday, October 06, 2005

Some days, all I do is run from the time I get up, until the time I go to bed. Today, was one of those days.

I got up at 645, did Genny's hair, pestered kids to make sure everyone had their assorted crap -- snacks, water, track clothes, etc., peed, checked email, and returned to bed. I slept til 10. I know that you're saying, but you slept til 10, but I was up til 1AM, so not a big deal.

At 1020, I got in the shower, got dressed and proceeded to spend a lot of time dinking around in the garage looking for the stain for Genny's bed, which I had stripped of its plastic and cardboard. I found the stupid paint brush, but not the stain. I went to the local feed/hardware place and their stains were not cool, so I had brunch. When I got back in the car, LaDawn had called and asked if I'd burned her CD's.


I ran home and started finding files and burned her CD's. Whilest she waited on me, she got Genny to me, so I could run her to the small city and take her to the pediatrician because lately, she's been such a turd, that we think she's either ADHD or sick. I'm guessing sick, though, with my kids you never know. On the way to the pediatrician, I break the fucking mirror on the passenger side of the van because I misjudged a turn and smacked the little reflector thingy. Shit, shit, shit!

Pediatrician and I discuss that the little spot on her ear is not meritorious of antibiotics, but that she's probably suffering from allergies like the rest of us schmucks. I run to drugstore to drop off scripts -- it's going to be at least 40 minutes.

I run to the only hardware store to have the stupid stain I can't find and purchase said stain. I then run to the other end of town to get the stupid decorative pumpkins actually in the box. When I purchased the box initially, I got the display box and the stupid pumpkins were actually ON DISPLAY and not in the damned box. While there, I picked up groceries for family and track team.

Pile groceries and aggravating 5 year old into van, call Chevrolet dealer because I know the stupid mirror is a GM fucking part and drive to pharmacy to get meds. Get meds, drive to dealership to order part and disconnect electronic mirror. Drive home. Get home and get greeted by 12 year old who tells me,"Oh, by the way, Open House is tonight at 6." Knowing child is bad with times, check school website and determine that no, it's at 630PM and that at the current time of 510 PM, I'm going to have to drive to the big city and meet Mike for dinner at Denny's, give him the kids (cuz kids aren't allowed at the Open House) and go to Open House.

Get to Open House and determine that I don't need to meet all of Russell's teachers and get syllabi (which I have already done and received) and lose an hour of my life. Briefly talk to Social Studies teacher regarding Bear's missing assignments, and drive back home.

Get home, tell Mike what Russell needs help with and have him do so.

Check bank account stuff, pay bills, determine (OH SHIT) that I apparently forgot to pay one stupid freakin' bill, cuss a bunch, pay said bill and a couple others. Project budget out to February. Discuss Genny's room decor and ideas with Mike. Discuss Xmas ideas and plans with Mike.

Feel overwhelmed at being unemployed and overwhelmed at getting a job when I'm always so freakin' sick.

Shit my pants a bunch about it and then go to bed.

How was your day?

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