Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This job is an amazingly bad fit, but Mike got word today that the raises have been cut by 40%. This may mean that we won't get the $5k bonus that we have gotten the past two years, which of course, means I'm stuck doing this hideous job I hate.


It wouldn't be so bad, if my boss wasn't so often a real pain in the ass. I think if there's anything I hate more is being patronized and this guy is undoubtedly the crowned Prince of Patronization -- like I'm too stooopid to know what I'm doing or something. As a result, I am very careful about what I reveal about what I'm feeling.

Apparently, he told the temp agency that he thought he was looking for someone more motivated in sales. I told the temp agency that at $12.50 an hour, what's to be motivated about? Hey, I sold another machine and made my boss a lot of money that I'll never see! Whee!


As I told the temp agency, if he wants to motivate people, he really ought to compensate them in motivating ways. If I got a percentage of each sale, I think I'd be a LOT more motivated. Yeah, I live to hear my boss and the VP gloating about each sale made, knowing that I won't see anything but my $12.50 an hour.

I keep wondering, if the guy just thinks I'm going to be all excited about making him money. I'm more interested in making money for my family. That's why I'm working. DUH! The pictures on my desk are my HUSBAND and CHILDREN and are there to motivate me to tolerate his obnoxious behavior. If you want me to sell the hell out of stuff, then PAY me something more than shit wages.

What a dumbass!

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