Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Up until we moved nearly 3 years ago, I had dutifully gotten my annual pap smear. In all that time -- 17 years -- I have never had anything but normal pap smears.

This year, I finally remembered to schedule myself and go get seen. I got a letter in the mail, which is how they report results telling me that I have dysplasia -- abnormal cells on the cervix, usually chalked up to a few stray genital warts. Then I looked at the enclosed pamphlet and realized, that this was potentially dangerous, as they described in intricate detail the levels you go through before cancer.

I called frantically requesting my colposcopy. I finally got a doctor to explain to me that I have severe dysplasia -- a severe precancer condition. I started to cry.

I go in on Monday to get the colposcopy -- scared half to death and already behind on a lot of schoolwork.

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