Tomorrow is heating oil delivery day. I swear, I want to crank up the heat to 85 and let 'er rip. As long as I am toasty warm, I don't care what happens. Just bury me in a flannel electric blanket and I'll die a happy wench.
Lately, I need headstone because I'm buried in homework. It sucks big wang, too. I don't know what came over me, but I offered to make coursework web pages for both my professors. I guess I'm not slammed enough, what with essays and reading to do up the wazoo. To be fair, I just ripped what I did for one professor and changed the names and places to protect the innocent, but what a ridiculously stupid thing to do, huh?
We went househunting again this weekend and yeesh, the prices have jumped $10-40K around here on most everything. It was really disappointing. I feel like the only way we'll own a house is if we buy a manufactured house, which would blow. Russell said he was willing to move, but didn't want to move back to his previous school, which was a place we'd looked. Mike and I also discussed the possibility that if his company's stock bottoms out because we bomb the fuck out of Iraq (George Bush is a chest pounding buffoon), that we might have to sit it out another year to have time to gather that down payment, though we may be shy enough credit card debt to be able to get a 0% down credit rating at that point. Right now, we've got about $6000 in stock option money available. We'll just have to see what the latest in obscene medical and dental expenses comes to pass.
Other than that, Mike and I had a date on Saturday. We had dinner at a nice place, hung out and enjoyed the absence of children. I took him to see the Lord of the Rings moive and we did our grocery shopping with no whining and got everything we needed. The absence of children when one is alone with one's mate, is a guilty little pleasure. I always feel like I must be a rotten mom to be so happy not to have them right there, but then when I see them, I feel like I could eat them up. Mel and her new husband watched them for us because we helped them move on Friday and Saturday. After the moving, I took a lot of ibuprofen, but the walking funny was from the babysitting, as was the relaxed knowing smiles Mike and I had for each other all day Sunday.
I need to go small surprise. I did the ebills, got the web pages dummied up, responded to my email, and contemplated my navel, so I can't sidestep this any more.
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