I found out yesterday that I can put our address on a hazard watch, so if we call 911, they'll automatically send out a sheriff. And Russell and I had a conversation about him being scared in which I said, it wasn't likely that we'd see him, but it was possible, so therefore, we had to warn him. He wasn't totally thrilled with that, but it seemed more comforting to him, so it was a start.
Genny cut up two of the squares I'd done the night before, so I spent hours last night trying to redo them and I ended up with three squares, one of which was correct, the other two had fabric faced in the wrong direction, so I'll have to pull them apart and redo them again. *the sound of hair being ripped from a scalp*
I should have just quilted the other quilt, but I was really mad about her wrecking these squares, so I just started redoing them. Of course, the fact that I couldn't find yet another spool of cream colored expensive quilting thread probably contributed to me not quilting and continuing to struggle valiantly with the square directions. I am thinking I might just blow off the original idea and put the non-directional fabric in the crucial directional location, so that I can ignore its direction. I could use the blocks I have, I am sure and just slip them in there and then go the easier route for the rest of the quilt.
I am totally blowing off making the dress until after Christmas. For $15, I bought a pretty velour dress at JC Penney outlet that should do fine for the Christmas party this weekend. I could just wear last year's dress, but a pretty princess dress doesn't work at a Speakeasy party theme thing as well as velour could. Mind you, I'm not titless enough to wear a flapper dress, so I'm not going to try. I do have a super long string of faux pearls I can wear that will work toward that thematic thing and then I've got a dress I can use a million times through the winter and it's purple, which next to most shades of teal, is up there amongst my favorite colors.
Speaking of purple...
I told Mike I wanted a purple hat and he got me one, but it was not what I wanted because it wouldn't stay on my head and then had this long tassle coming off it with heavy beads. Never mind that it just was something I'd never wear, though if it'd stay on my head, I'd keep it, but mostly, it wasn't functional. It had no means of remaning on my head because of how it was knitted and then the heavy bead tassle would have either been pulling it off my head or thwacking me upside the head as I walked, neither of which would be cool. He got it because it had won a prize and with all the beads, he thought I'd like it. If it hadn't cost $70, I'd have kept it and been quiet, but he had to tell me how much it cost because I'm the bills person and I just said, it wasn't worth it to keep it for that much money because it wouldn't do what I needed which was to keep my head warm. Then I felt like a big awful bitch because he'd tried, but he didn't seem upset about it and said for the money, I should get what I want.
I have a very cool husband.
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