Monday, July 16, 2007

yay! The kids are gone and I'm done with school.

Yes, we're broke! Yes, we are doing housework, but we're also having a great time hanging out with each other.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Yup. Graduate school is still hard. I was surprised at how hard it was. Summer sessions are for linebackers, I swear it. I haven't taken summer session in 18 years and I forgot how flipping hard it is to contend with the summer heat. I also forgot about having to walk anywhere to get to a class. I had to walk to a building in the center of campus, which if I weighed what I did 18 years wouldn't have been a big deal, but with my big ass and my yucky knee I would hit a the final steps into the building and feel my knee just shift enough to hurt like holy hell and then I'd gimp down the halls to get there. I found I had to leave an hour in advance to get to campus, to give myself time to get to class, which sucked eggs, rotten yucky eggs.

I've been nothing but frustrated trying to get my sorry butt through classes. One professor thinks I shouldn't be in her class because I'm already in special ed and she doesn't think it's a requirement (though the chair told me I should take it) and the other I simply am buried up to my eyeballs in. Every single day is homework. Every. Single. Day. And a lot of it is good for me, but a lot of it makes me want to rip out all my hair in frustration. I'm writing 1-2 page single spaced chapter synopses. What the hell ever happened to letting me catch up on my reading on the weekend? I'm actually supposed to read it on the due date and it just freaking blows.

I just had to write a position paper on inclusion of special education children in regular education classes. Um, yeah, my position was that there isn't enough strategy teaching for teachers that shows them how to work with multicultural factors in regular education settings, nor with special education kids. Being that so-called minorities make up a bigger than they should portion of special education classrooms and that these same minorities and special ed kids are often on referral or suspension at a higher rate than their regular ed and white peers. And that the majority of teachers in the US are white middle class women. Yeah, there's a bit of an issue, in my opinion. It's flipping called bigotry.


Ok...I'm not even coherent. I just wanted to check in.