All I've been doing is working as a substitute teacher for several months. I like teaching. I've been discovering where I'd like to teach and where I'd rather gnaw my arm off than teach at.
There are some schools where the teachers seem disspirited or proud of the wrong things (like cussing out a student in front of the class). There are some schools where the kids are fantastic and the school's fantastic. And there's an elementary school that I refer to in my head as the "Mormon School." Because there are clear signs that the principal and several teachers are Mormons. I actually like teaching at the Mormon School a lot. Nice people and good kids, so it's fun.
I went on Easter Break and on Easter night, I spent the night at the emergency room. My gastroenterologist believes that my gall bladder may be failing. I was off all last week and I'm taking this week off, while I get tested to verify that it's my gall bladder. My diet is low enough cholesterol to where I don't have gall stones, which are made of cholesterol.
I have to undergo one more test to verify that indeed my gall bladder is failing and I get the thrill of a colonoscopy. I asked that they do the two procedures back-to-back, so they could stick me once for the stupid IV and I told them to just give me xanax, so I don't completely freak out while they go spelunking for a vein. My veins are porous, I swear it. They roll, collapse, and generally, act quite badly for phlebotomists. It's a total pisser and at this point, it about panics me to death.
So that's an update. It ain't much, but it's a start.