So we figured out a stop-gap measure on money. We were able to do something with the 401k, so we did.
Also, we decided that for three more months, it was worth it for Mike to stay at his current job through June at a minimum because at that point he'd be fully vested in his retirement monies. The other thing he mentioned is that his company is looking to raise wages to match the way the standard of living has increased here. I think that if it doesn't happen soon, we're out of here. We're essentially living on Nevada wages at a California cost of living, which blows goats. The whole reason we moved here was to escape the California cost of living. We knew housing was cheaper and everything, but now it's not.
The issue is that Russell is in a school situation that is very steady and helpful for him, he has friends, and he's happy. With his issues, I worry about moving. On the other hand, Nevada is ranked 49th in the US for scholastic excellence, so moving anywhere else just about would be a better academic challenge for him.
So that's the most current update anyhow...